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Specialists in mobile apps for eID and Strong Customer Authentication

Standards > Communication

Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard
A multi-bank internet protocol.
Supports the exchange of structured data between customers and their banks. All structured data formats are supported.
Regulatory for corporate banks that operate in France and Germany. Recommended in Switzerland, Austria and Portugal.
Based on HTTP(S) and XML, with extensive use of cryptographic functions for encryption and digital signatures.
Standard API’s to initialize and manage users, including key and certificate exchange.
Centralized management of customer and user entitlements.
In built entitlements validation and authorisation workflow.
User permissions are assigned to 'orders' with an authorisation level: 'E'; 'A'; 'B'. (descending seniority)
Quali-Sign is an EBICS Client which requires a bank to install an EBICS Server.
EBICS home page
PSD2 'Access to Account' (XS2A) API standards
The Berlin Group
SWISS Open Finance API (SOFA)
The Open Banking Standard